Telling Your Story

Sometimes I sit down ready to write, but I don't know what to say. Life is a story book. I say this a lot. My sister gave me an engraved pen one year, and on the box she had them write, "Life is nothing but a story book existence, just a chapter of the completed whole." I people watch. There's times where I'm astounded by the graceful power of the saga their living. I wonder if they can see it to. What story are they living? Is it a grand adventure of loss and victory or a black and white love reel? Are they a hero who had it all and lost it, or one who never had anything to loose? For that matter, what character am I? Who am I in my neighbor's story? The villain? The wiedro? The girl next door? What story am I writing? We're all writing our story. A story that's changing every second of every day. There's a part of us who takes all the choices we make and all the people we encounter, and constructs an ending, a next step, ano...