
Showing posts from May, 2017

Challenge: Humble Beginnings; Lasting Ambitions

I. Finished. It. This month has been a creatively challenging one for me. (Even this entry is trying to kill me.) I’m actually impressed I managed to stick to my goal and finish two short stories. To be perfectly honest I laughed out loud when I figured out this week’s posting. Unlike the others, this one is a bit of a memoir piece. That being said, let's segue right into it.   Humble Beginnings; Lasting Ambitions I don’t understand why schools make kids read depressing books so early on. That’s a lie. Of course, I understand. I mean, I understand in the way that I can do some figuring and reach a passable understanding that would have some sense to it. What I was really hoping for was a dramatic raising of the stage curtain to draw you in because this is a story no one truly cares about the way I do. It earmarks the moment I embarked on my literary dream.                There are tw...