The dreaded Chapter one
Chapter One: It's what draws readers in, or turns them away. It's what sets the tone and voice for the entirety of your book. And, probably most frightening (at least for me) is that it's what will snag you an agent, or get you tossed in the slush pile. But what makes a good chapter one? I may not be a published author, (just yet. Give it a year) but I'm one of the pickiest readers you'll ever have the pleasure of knowing. Whenever I walk into a book store or library, I read the jacket sure, but I also read the first few pages of chapter one. Why? Because I'm not going to a buy a book that doesn't snap my attention quick and hold it fast. Being a writer makes style really important to me as well. So again, what makes a good chapter one? In this year's addition of Writer's market, Guide to Literary Agents , there's a chapter called, "8 Ways to Write A Great Chapter One" by Elizabeth Sims . And she puts it nicely. "As...