Writing and Art

Sometimes I feel that people forget writing is an art form. Throughout school, I was in a number of art classes. I drew nude models, painted, dabbled in photography, loved all sorts of crafts. So, when I tell people I'm an artist, the see a paint smeared girl in a pair of denim overalls and not a stereotypical author, hunched over the computer in a pair a sweatpants and a mess of tea, or coffee stained scraps of paper crammed with notes taking up the every inch of the desk.

Guys, authors are artists too. Just the same as dancers, and musicians and painters and sculptures. People have told me, "Well anyone can write." That's true. Anyone can draw too. Anyone can dance, or sculpt or splatter some paint on a canvas, but only a select few people have what it takes to chase this career to the bitter end. Just like any artists, the job takes:
  1. Dedication.
  2. Tough skin
  3. Patience
  4. Probably a little bit of a masochistic mind state, and a god complex.  (I'm convinced God is an author if he's real) 
What's your take on this?

Also I stumbled across something interesting looking for that picture up top.
Something interesting.

I'd also like to know your take on what she has to say. I can't tell you how many people complain to me about writers block and, every time I tell them I'm frustrated with writing, or haven gotten any done on a particular day, the first damn thing they ask is, "Writers block?"

I think it's accurate what she says. Most the time it's not an inability to to think of something to write, but a fear that you'll be frustrated with what you put down. Anyways, I'd love to hear everyone's opinions on it. Maybe I'll make another post about facing fears at a latter date.  


  1. A. God is a programmer. Good stories are an epiphenomenon.

    B. In my experience, professional writers, if they say anything at all, will say that writer's block doesn't exist, and I believe them. Seth puts it well.


  2. I like that word, epiphenomenon. Didn't know it existed until today.

    He does put it well. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I've always believed writer's block is an excuse not to write. Or an excuse to not pay attention to or attempt to fix a bigger problem––characters, plot, a certain scene. There's always something else behind it, and it's not the "writer's block" a person needs to get over, but the writing itself s/he has to iron out the problems in.

    Of course, actually identifying and fixing the underlying problem is another challenge entirely ;)

    1. Exactly. But finding problems is what writing groups, and beta readers are for. Maybe once in awhile, if you teach yourself to be really objective, you can find the underlying issue that's giving you that feeling something's not quite right. But most the time outside opinion is best as long as you remember to take what they say while keeping with your style of writing.

  4. Aaron told me to stop by, so I did. Welcome to the blogosphere! It's good to meet you.

    You pretty much summed the whole truth to the craft. :)

  5. Good to meet you too. But don't feel pressured to come say hi just because someone told you to. xD I like to feel like people stop by of their own wills.


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