The Three typs of Learning

One of the things Adam, the intuitive healer I saw, had to tell me was that people have limitations. That people just can't experience the world the way I do, and many can't see into people the way I do. One of the things he used to explain this limitation to me, was the three types of learning. Auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. He asked me which I was. The answer to that was simple. I'm extremely visual, and kinesthetic. I need to see it done, and I need to do it. If your try to sit me down and explain things to me, chances are I'll give you a baffled look vaguely reminiscent of a guilty dog, and not understand a word of what you said.
He said that, when it comes to my gift for seeing into people, I need to understand that the reason they can't see me that way, is for the same reason I can't lean in an auditory fashion. But that's not the point of this entry. (Big surprise I deviate completely from topic.)

What I really wanted to speak up about, was the piss poor way schools are run everywhere. Being such a visual and kinesthetic learner made school really difficult for me. Sure I excelled in art and English. And when I actually  watched the teacher doing math problems on the board than promptly did them, I did swell in math (Until I found out I had to retain that information.) I couldn't get away from the fact that school systems are created unequal. They're created for that minor few who excel in auditory learning.

Children are kinesthetic learners. Meaning they learn by touching, and doing things in their environment. And yet from day one of school, they're told to sit still and listen to the teacher. Sure you get to color and do different crafts, but most of it is all about listening and memorization. And it only gets worse as you get older!

Schools need to be broken down, and recreated from scratch to cater to all three learning types and not just the one. But that's only one bone I have to pick with the system. Kindergarten to middle school I think is when you should introduce children to a little of everything. Basic math and science, history and language. Of course reading (proper reading skills and not whatever crap they have going on right now), but after that the education needs to be largely based on applying actual, necessary skills.

Most of the teenagers graduating from highschool, and even collage, are tossed out into the world just as clueless as the people who didn't go. You want to know why? Because they're not taught anything practicle! Sure they may have a few more facts crammed into their nogens, but school all across the nation fail to teach students to apply all these facts.
"The smart man isn't the one who knows the most facts, but knows where to find them, and how to apply those facts." 
They still have to learn about the big wide world all on their own through experience and practice. But it feels more like getting thrown into an ice bath than anything at that point.

When you get to high school, it should be largely based on taking the classes you want. If you liked math in middle school and want to learn more, take more math classes. If you liked science, go for it, art, knock yourself out. But just letting them choose isn't enough. Give them facts yes, but teach them how to use them in real life.  There are a few courses I think should be mandatory. Basic finance handling for one.

If what you want and need is years and years of schooling, than go for it. But don't make that same standard for everyone.

What are your thoughts on this?


  1. The bankruptcy of the educational system in the country is quite evident. Add drugs, violence, peer pressure and bullying to the mix and you have a recipe for disaster for children. This has led many families to homeschool their children. These families have joined together in local communities and have created a far more efficient, cohesive and stable learning envoirnment for their children. Ask any high school administrator or college recruiter which student will perform better in an an educational setting. If they are honest, they will tell you, its the homeschooled student.

    1. I always think that, if I had children, I'd want them home schooled. But than I think, "Well how the hell am I going to teach them anything. lol

    2. Homeschooled children may perform better because they learn in an environment free from distractions and bad influences, but at the same time they are being deprived of important social experiences. Public schools allow kids to develop social skills and to learn to get along with one another, which is at least as important as any classwork, even though you won't find it on any agenda. School in general also teaches kids how to approach new things and to become responsible workers. There's a lot more to it than learning math and language.

      Of course, I agree with both of you that there is a lot that can be improved about America's methods of teaching. As far as the three types of learning go, Melissa, I think most people are like you, in that they learn better by seeing, and best by doing. Nobody likes lectures. However, it's a very complicated issue, and I'm not sure what the "right" way to do it would be.

    3. I agree with homeschooling. In fact the best benefit I got from public schools was the interaction with others.

      I don't think there's a right way, but I think there's a better way to go about it than what's been done for years.

      Most of what I learned, that I actually applied to my life, I didn't learn in school I learned myself. Through part time jobs, though interacting with the world around me. I learned through people, through being interested in what they did for a living and how they went about doing it.

      School has the basics own. It has all the knowledge to give kids a wide verity of interests to choose from, but they lack that last step of inspiration and application. I think there are some teachers out there who have it right, but they're limited by the school system. They have to spend most of their time getting children ready for all these standardized tests and most the information on those tests aren't used when they get out of school.

      That's why I think up until middle school it's good to, and even helpful to introduce kids to all the different things out there, but high school should be about the application of real life skills, and the furthering in knowledge of fields the students are interested in.

      But that's just my opinion on the matter. I think it'll work. Maybe someday, when I'm done conquering the world I guess, I'll start some of those changes and see where it goes.

  2. So nice to meet you, Melissa! Glad to be connected now. You've got a lovely blog. Nothing better than being linked with other awesome creative types such as yourself. I'll look forward to your posts! :D

    1. Thanks for stopping by. :D I look forward to keeping up with you. You seem much further along in the writing world than I am, but I'm going to be handing my manuscript out to agents starting at the end of April early March. What advice can you give about query letters?

  3. Aaron, just a quick reply about the socialization of homeschoolers. Maybe in some communities what you say is true, but the many years experience I've had with homeschooling has been quite the opposite. We can continue this discussion in another venue if you like.

    Melissa Rose, good luck with your manuscript and the query letters. Katherine Vucicevic and Kori Miller from Google+ communities may be of assistance in this matter!

    1. Thanks. :) As for the homeschooling I think it's all about balance. I've knows people who are home schooled who don't have many friends simply because they were never in a place to meet people their age.

      But I've also known others who are social butterflies.


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