Editing is a painfully slow process... at least for me

Sorry I've been missing in action for so long. Between working two jobs and editing in-between, I've had no time to think about what I would like to write about let alone writing it down.

So, tThe editing process. Maybe for some writers it's easy. To me it's like ripping out fingernails with a pair of pliers. My friends won't even read my first chapter anymore, because it keeps changing so much. I've tried putting it aside to stop working on it, but I'm obsessed! Really, I haven't been sleeping, eating scarcely but I'm pretty sure I'm finally on the right track with this whole editing thing. (Even though my first chapter has been, yet again, changed.)

I've cut entire scenes. I've shortened sentences, I've tossed all but the best descriptions, and my work count has dropped drastically. (I still think it could be improved.) On the plus side, the first few chapters were the biggest mess. It'll only get easier from here on out.

Sorry to my beta readers. I know I wasn't supposed to touch it. I was suffering insomnia because I have no creative outlet. I was throwing my covers off six, seven times a night (maybe more) because ideas wouldn't stop popping into my head.

For those of you who would like to read chapter one of my book, you can find it here. Please, don't hesitate to tell me what you think.

How's editing for you? Is it just as difficult or is it just me?


  1. Editing can be fun. Just be careful to not fall into the trap of overanalyzing and wanting everything to be 100% perfect. Edit with your creative mind, not your analytical mind...
    I'll check out your 1st chapter soon!

    1. I've never heard of editing with my creative mind before. I'll have to try that out. Thanks. :D

      Perfection is a dangerous trap for me. I scold people for being perfectionists all the time, but than I go and find myself being the same way.

      Let me know what you think of the first chapter. :)

  2. I haven't started editing yet, but I know what you mean about suffering from a lack of creative outlet. I'm starting to work on my book two while I wait for book one's beta readers to get back to me. It just feels lonely being separated from my story. It's like a friend that I'm not allowed to see.

    1. I think me and my book fight too much to be friends. lol I've gotten a bit further in your manuscript. I'm still pretty sure I can get it to you when you need it.

    2. Great! I should be able to get yours to you when you need it too.

  3. Melissa Rose, I was getting ready to send Aaron after you if you didn't surface soon! Don't like to edit much. I think I do what Cloris said to do--edit with my critical mind. Anyway, if I write 500 words, I want to save each of them. :o)

    Guess everyone does! Best wishes on your editing. I will read your story soon!

    1. lol well 99% of being an author, is writing and editing. The other 1% is social media. xD

    2. Yeah, I haven't been blogging much lately either. Life has been hectic! But I feel the pull of the writing world. It yearns for me to return.

    3. Hectic is one way to put it. lol My mother sent me a movie to watch about a month ago, and I just had the free space to watch it yesterday.

    4. I meant creative mind--I was sleep deprived when I wrote that lol.


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